The ‚Laboratory of European Architecture and Urbanism‘ (L’EAU) is a research consortium by Städtebau | RWTH Aachen, Maurer United Architects and Reicher Haase Assoziierte. The team works on a continuous agglomeration plan between Meuse and Rhine.

‘Between Meuse and Rhine’
New Regional Bauhaus
01 May – 01 june 2024
Free Entrance

During the past semester, international students from RWTH Aachen University worked on future visions for a sustainable Southern Dutch Limburg at the ‚New Regional Bauhaus‘ in Heerlen, based on principles of circularity. The students, enrolled in the master’s program ‚Transforming City Regions,‘ focus on creating regional plans. The future visions for this region will be showcased at the Heerlen ‘dependance’ of RWTH Aachen University throughout the month of February.

Student Expo
RWTH Aachen | Städtebau | Transforming City Regions
‘Superlocal Southern Limburg’
New Regional Bauhaus
01-14 February 2024
Free Entrance

Jan Jongert is a Dutch pioneer in Circular Building. He is visiting professor at TU Delft and founder of Superuse Studios – an international architecture collective for circular and sustainable design. At Superuse Studios, a design is not considered as the beginning of a linear, but part of a circular process: A phase in a continuous cycle of creation and recreation, use and reuse. In his presentation, Jan Jongert will present different strategies for building sustainable architecture with reclaimed materials.

Jan Jongert / Superuse Studios
‘Mining, Harvesting, Re-using’
New Regional Bauhaus
30 January 2024, 1800h
Free Entrance

On September 30, 2023, we celebrated the opening of the New Regional Bauhaus with over 120 guests in Heerlen, Promenade 14. In their welcoming speeches, Heerlen’s Mayor Roel Wever, Vice-Rector Prof. Brück-Dürkop and Director of Stadsregio Parkstadt Peter Bertholet emphasized the importance of the New Regional Bauhaus for cross-border cooperation in the field of urban design and regional development.

The New Regional Bauhaus is a place for teaching and research, but also for the transfer of knowledge in the Rhine-Meuse region. In line with the UNESCO Chair, the focus is on cultural heritage and urbanism, but also on issues relating to transformation and structural change on a large scale. The Master’s program Transforming City Regions serves this purpose in particular.